asd123 - Regex match after capture group 1 wangsit88 match using it39s result Find all but the first occurrence of a character with REGEX mysql Error ERBADFIELDERROR Unknown column 39asd12339 in I am currently struggling with the MongoDB query in which I want to group data by 2 fields myId and myType but the results that I get in return don39t look like what I need How to match all only number tokens in a string duplicate Extract only the numbers in file name Stack Overflow SOLVED By using JREPLBAT by Dave Benham and STRIPCMD cd CUsersasd123Desktop echo off echo Cleaning out old data Remove old instances of output files in order not to create duplication in the files del filenamelistnumericstxt echo Done echo Building file list for a in pdf do echo na CUsersasd123Desktopfilenamestxt echo Done echo Stripping nonnumeric 39123asd39 3919asd39 3912345asd39 39asd12339 39asd1239 turns into 3919asd39 39123asd39 3912345asd39 39asd1239 39asd12339 This is going to be used in combination with the solution to another question I39ve asked here The sorting function in itself works what I need is a function that can say that that 3919asd39 is smaller than 39123asd39 I39m writing this in JavaScript Try this DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS spUpdateSocketID CREATE PROCEDURE spUpdateSocketIDIN userID VARCHAR10 IN socketID VARCHAR255 BEGIN UPDATE msregistereduser SET socketID socketID WHERE userID userID END FATAL pghbaconf rejects connection for host 127001 user How to properly use group operator in MongoDB Stack Overflow Natural sort of alphanumerical strings in JavaScript I39m building a Net application and I need menara3388 to strip any nondecimal character from a string excluding the first 3939 Essentially I39m cleaning user input to force a real number result So far I39ve It correctly matches foofooxyzasd123barasd123xyz with the desired result being fooxyzasd123 But it does not match barfooxyzasd123barasd123xyz Expected output would be barasd123xyz Basically I need to use the result of the capture group 1 to search further in the string after the character Of course this was only possible because postgres was set up on an AWS EC2 instance with all ports open default postgres user default port a stupid supereasy to guess password asd123 The security logs in the instance were full of attempts to connect on various ports with various usernames etc so it most probably was a random attack Connecting to Google Cloud SQL Postgres instance using psycopg2 1 23 456 123asd asd123 12 3456789 I want to create a regex to match all only number tokens so that it would match with 1 23 456 12 and 3456789 I already tried to create the regex which is bazAZsdazAZs but somehow it only matches with 23 It won39t match with 1 and all the other number tokens after 23 What am I doing wrong 1 As mentioned in this article on connecting to Cloud SQL from app engine Connecting with Unix sockets Once correctly configured you can connect your service to your Cloud SQL instance39s Unix domain socket accessed on the environment39s filesystem at the following path cloudsqlINSTANCECONNECTIONNAME rajamahjong The INSTANCECONNECTIONNAME can be