sniperjitu - Its modified with venting on webbing0 sawit188 Natural cotton fabric as above but still very effective Made from fibres of jute plants burlap is usually woven into a cloth and for snipers cut into strips and dyed before being added to suits IntroductionConstructionUsing a GhillieImages with Descriptions Intro Some people wear business suits we wear ghillie suits Just exactly raksasa633 where did it come from The Ghillies wereare Scottish gam Ghillie Suits Ghillie Thread Synthetic Lightweight Ghillie Burlap Yarn Hessian Twine Jute BL TAC Ghillie Jute String Tactical Concealment 1ply Ghillie Suit Jute Green Beret Sniper Ghillie Suit Construction YouTube Natural plant fiber formed into 1ply jute strands for sniper camouflage concealment signature qq77bet management ghillie hood suit